Week 6: Papercraft Objects - Digital Samples

 Week 6: Papercraft Objects - Digital Samples

For this weeks assignment I created 10 faceted and unfolded forms in Rhino.

Form #1:

Square face attached to twisted square face with triangles.

Form #2:

Polygon attached to twisted polygon with triangles. 

Form #3:

Polygon attached to smaller polygon with thin triangles.

Form #4:

Polygon attached to long rectangle with triangles.

Form #5:

Long polygon with a pyramid attached at either side. 

Form #6:

Long polygon with a point on the end to look like a pencil.

Form #7:

Polygon attached to a larger polygon that is then mirrored on the other side. 

Form #8:

Two polygons with a shared side and is closed with triangles.

Form #9:

Square attached to smaller square that is then duplicated and mirrored on the other side to make an hourglass shape.

Form #10:

Long rectangle attached to other long twisted rectangle with triangles.


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