Week 8: Papercraft Objects - First Prototype

 Week 8: Papercraft Objects - First Prototype

I started off this week by going back into Rhino and enlarging a few of the tabs that were too small to but the piece together. I also deleted a few unnecessary lines and then reprinted them.

Pieces cut out:

Final product:

As I was putting it together the pieces would not stay glue together for long, I eventually opted to use a glue gun which I found to be very useful. I really recommend doing this because it holds it together very will and is more clean and precise than a glue stick. 

In the end I decided to omit the power source on the back of the car, since it was too small and complicated. In my final I was thinking that I could make up for cutting it out by adding other details. I hope to add a small rectangle on the back for the license plate, and paint/draw on other details. I also realized when I was putting it together that I forgot to add a tab to the long side of the rectangles (on the bottom that the wheels are connected to). I also think that I could of made some of the folds along the sides more prominent. 

Overall I am happy with this first prototype. But I do think I need more practice folding and putting it together in a way that looks nice and clean.


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